Downhill Slalom Running

Steep hills are tough to run up and also are tough to run down. When discussing running on hilly terrain most runners most runners focus on strategies to use when running uphill. Yesterday and today when I ran on some very sharp grades I had to implement slalom running on the down hills. When you watch televised snow skiing during the Olympics there are slalom … Continue reading Downhill Slalom Running

Life is Precious

You may have heard the joke about the elderly man who was asked how his day was and who responded, ‘Two good things happened today – my eyes opened and I noticed I was breathing!’   It does illustrate the realization that life is precious, and even more so as the days and weeks turn to months and years on a calendar whose pages turn increasingly … Continue reading Life is Precious

Race Recovery

Whenever we push ourselves in a race it is going to take some time to recover. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Our body has been stressed, muscles have broken down a bit and it will take time to put the strain of the race behind us. There has always been debate about how long it takes to recover from a race.   It depends on … Continue reading Race Recovery